Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Long Way Gone fishbowl #4: November 21, 2013--5th hour

Afternoon!  As you guys discuss on the outer circle today, please keep the following guidelines in mind.

1.  Each question you pose and each comment you offer in response to those questions should be grounded in textual evidence.  A big improvement in the last discussion, but some of your ideas were still vague and I was left wondering why you thought or asked what you did.  I'm guessing your classmates felt the same way.

Here are a couple more examples of good posts from last class.

Here is a comment from Eric:  

On page 122, Ishmael made a horrible comparison. He said "The idea of death did not cross my mind at all and killing had become as easy as drinking water." This thought is terrible because drinking water is a task necessary for life and now Ishmael sees killing in the same way.

And Ray posted, Like it says on page 122, "The combination of drugs gave us a lot of energy and made us feel fierce. The idea of death didn't even cross my mind at all and killing had become as easy as drinking water. It had also stopped making remorseful records." Judging by this, he may not remember killing everybody that he did.

I picked these posts because they both went beyond saying "on page 125" to actually include the quote that supported their thinking.  

Lastly, remember to stay involved throughout the course of discussion.  To offer one or 2 comments or to participate every 10 minutes is insufficient.

Happy posting!


  1. If Ishmael saw his family in a village they were raiding do you think he would kill them?

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    3. No, it says on multiple occasions that he looked at every rebel in the war as a person who was responsible for killing his family. He is angry and desensitized but he still loves his family. He is a long way gone, but not lost.

    4. I do not think that Ishmael would have killed his family. Because he talks so much about his family, how much they mean to him, and how that is the only thing he is wanting in this tough time period.

    5. I don't think that he would kill them because he might want to stop killing after seeing them and go back to the way that they used to be.

    6. I think that Ismael probably injure his family nothing knowing who they are after long time of not seeing them, yet at the same time he would be on drugs affect him like page 159 "I bruised myself with drugs and clean my gun" just taking drugs and drugs again, like when Ishmael was injured he showed no pain but to fall down to the ground and shoot at the area of the shooting Page 157 "I couldn't walk, so lay on the ground and shot into the bush"

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    1. Yes! I think that when e was going through all of this abnormal stuff, it was the only thing that remained normal. It was the only thing that was constant in his life. In the period of time where music didnt hold a strong presence in Ishmael's life, things began going down hill. He needs the music to keep him sane and normal in a sense.

    2. I think that Ishmael saw the rap music as more of an emotional support than a drug because it made him feel like, although he isn't necessarily, he is young and innocent again. I think some of this innocence is coming back to him, or shining through. For example, In these few chapters Ishmael is actually beginning to question some things, like him questioning if its actually his uncle. Also, he is committing some acts of compassion such as hugging his uncle.

  3. Do you think that Ishmael is someone you would look up to?

    1. I definitely look up to how he has overcome his past, he even wrote a whole book about all of the awful things he did, which to me is really admirable because now he has no secrets at all. He has accepted who he is and what he has done and isn't hiding anything anymore.

    2. If I was thrust into a similar situation, yes. He is a very mentally strong individual and has proved to be a successful military leader.

    3. because of the transformations he has gone through, absolutely. He is showing a re-found sense of humanity and is forming a happy personality, an example being his growing relationship with Esther.

    4. I agree with Dom because the way Ishmael handles the situation he is in, and at his age, is something to look up to. I know that if I was in his position I would not have handled it as well.

    5. I would look up to him because he has gone through so much at a young age and finally had the courage and will to want to change and overcome what seemed impossible at the time.

    6. I definitely look up to him, because after all of the stuff he has gone through and has been convinced into thinking is right, he has been able to overcome a lot of it. I do not know that if i were him I would have the mental and emotional strength to become the better person he is becoming.

  4. "Why didnt the rebels leave ishmeal after he was shot in the foot?"
    Ishmael Is juinor lieutenant and a very good solider as well as a great leader

  5. When James asked why they saved Ishmael when he got shot in the foot, I think it is not because they are "brothers" but more because he is a great fighter and is the junior lieutenant.

  6. James said: When Ishmael got shot in the foot and they were carrying him around, why do you think that thy need him to survive so bad? I think that they need him to survive so bad because he's a huge asset to the squad and he's very strong and loyal, they cant afford to loose him.

  7. To add on to Justice's question "Does Ishmael have anything to live for" i dont think he had much to live for at that point because his family was gone and he was still very young and was pretty much going insane

    1. I agree with you Nick, at the time I did not think that Ishmael had anything to live for because he was in such a horrible situation in the war. But once he figured he was close to the end, and there could be more possibilities, he then started to gain hope again.

    2. I think at times ishmael feels desperate and like there is no reason to be living. But based off of where the book started it seems like Ishmael turned his life around and found something to live for

    3. Regardless if he had anything o live for, I think he still had a desire to live. If he didnt, why did he keep fighting for his life? Despite what I said before, I think that he does have a reason to live, he has fought to this point in his life, throughout all these hardships and survived, I think that is enough of a reason to continue living on its own.

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    1. I feel that the dreams were suppressed by the amount of drugs that were in his system. Also the drugs made sleep hard to come by so that when it did come, his body would need to rest and not dream.

    2. I think that he is having the nightmares again because he is no longer taking the white capsules or doing the cocaine. i think both of these were stimulants, and now that he is not taking them he sleeps, and during his sleep he relives the time of the war.

    3. I think that his dreams are coming now that hes not fighting because hes living a more normal life and looking back, those days have become more radical now that he has something to compare it to.

    4. I think that the nightmares didn't start when he was fighting in Sierra Leone because of the drugs and how desensitized he was and now that he's out of Sierra Leone he is traumatized from what he went through.

  9. How do you think Ishmael's pride holds him back from being the person he used to be?

    1. He is reluctant to be a "good kid" because it will destroy the reputatuin he has with his comrades from the war. He would rather have friends than be "reformed".

    2. I believe that his pride hinders him from returning to the kind boy he was before war, is that he views his old self as a weak individual. I think that he is still stuck in a survival state of mind.

  10. why does he find their eyes irriating?"
    Ishmael is must likey to drugged up and angrey at these men and children

  11. I think the nurse giving Ishmael the walkman kind of surprised him at first but in the end he was just very happy because it took him back to the good times and him reminiscing on his 'normal" childhood

    1. I also think that even though he says that he pushed the nurse and said he didn't want to be in hospital the nurse gives him the comfort that his mom did

  12. On page 159 it talk talks about how Ishmael likes to see them suffer, and that he also finds their somber eyes irritating. I believe that he says this because he enjoys the fact that other people have to go through the same pain he had to when he knew his parents ere dying and he couldn't help.

    1. My thought on why he found them so irritating and felt so much pleasure in their pain because he had a desire to be in their place. I think they irritate him, because he thinks they should be grateful to no long be forced to live this life, and that sooner or later all of this suffering will come to an end for them. They get the easy way out.

  13. On page 184, Ishmael says, "That was the story of my relationship with girls in Freetown. They wanted to know about me, and I wasn't ready to tell them. It was okay. I liked being alone." Do you think that Ishmael will ever open up to any girls or do u think he will remain alone?

    1. I think he'll open up to Ester because she seems to care for Ishmael more than any other boy

    2. I think it will take time for Ishmael to heal and to firstly start to trust himself again. After that I believe Ishmael will begin to trust others. In the beginning of the book Beah writes "My high school friends have begun to suspect I haven't told them the full story of my life" This quote shows that Ishmael eventually learns to trust and make friends so he doesn't continue to remain alone

    3. I think that Ishmael will open up to people once he learns that he can trust people again. Every time in the previous parts of the book, when he opens up to people they either die or betray him. I think that he will be able to open up to people when he is able to except that this war is not his fault.

    4. On the top of page 181 Ishmael accepts a hug from ester and Ester tells Ishmael to, "come and see her next weekend so we can have more time to catch up, okay?" I think since Ishmael is getting affection from Ester, he will eventually be able to think decently of himself again and open up to the girls.

    5. I think Ishmael will open up sooner or later when he finally open up to Ester going to see her everyday and have a normal conversation, and able to share common interest like music Page 167 " She sat next to me without uttering word. She had my lyrics notebook in her hand.".Yet Ishmael is living with his uncle and aunt and 3 daughters many brothers and will be able to interact with his cousins and will never be alone and at least have someone to talk too. On page 182 "Allie will take you around sometimes."

  14. On page 167, Esther is asking Ishmael to meet his new family. Esther was afraid that he would say no, and Ishmael saw that and he did not want to disappoint her. With amount of time women were not mentioned in the text, What do women mean to Ishmael? I ask this because before it seemed he mention his grandma and mother a lot more that his brothers or fathers.

    1. I think that women are a kind of distant thing to him, because he lived with his father primarily when he was a child. I think that he wishes that he would have spent more time with his mother as a child, so he thinks about the good times that he did have with his mother and grandmother.

    2. I think that the reason behind not wanting to be in a relationship or close to girl's because he has had to grow up fast and has found out what is important and what is not as important. I personally think that he should find a girl and open up to get thing's off of his mind so that he knows that he can trust others and depend on others besides himself.

  15. pg 159; Ishmeal says, "I shot them in their feet to make them suffer and a couple of days later I just shot them in their head so that I could quit hearing them wine." Why do you think that he is acting like this? I think that he has been surrounded by all of this violence that it has just worn off on him, and it has made him act like the way he does now. I don't think he thinks wrong from right anymore because the rebels killed his family, so he is going to take any chance he can get to kill any rebel that he sees.

    1. I think this is his personal form of revenge to the people who shot his foot, but he has become so violent that he had to show dominance and finish them off when they whined from the same injury he suffered.

  16. In chapter 18, Ishmael meets his uncle for the first time. Why do you think that his parents would keep his uncle away from Ishmael?

    1. I think that Ishmael's parents kept a distance from Ishmael's uncle because he could have caused a conflict between the whole family, or maybe his is dangerous, and not pleasant to be around.

    2. I don't think that its that his parents kept his uncle from seeing Ishmael, I think its more that he lived too far away from Matru Jong and there wasn't really a way to go see him. It says that he has other uncles but his father had not ever mentioned them, only his "foster parents."

  17. Do you think that Ishmael struggles with drug addiction today?

    1. Its hard to answer because of the lack of background knowledge on ishmael but i wouldnt think so because he is such an accomplished author

    2. Knowing that Ishmael is a successful and well known author, I believe that he does not struggle with drug addiction.

    3. Very good question, and yes. They affected him and were part of his life from such an early age, I don't think he will ever fully recover.

    4. After someone is addicted to a drug you can become unaddicted to it physically but mentally you will always have the urge to keep doing it.

    5. So yes I think he does

  18. Do you think that Esther will help Ishmael break away from his past of drugs and violence?

    1. I believe that Esther brings inner peace to Ishmael, and he never admits that he enjoys time with her, but I think that he secretly likes her.

    2. I think Ishmael certainly breaks away from his past of drugs and violence because in the beginning of the book Beah writes, "My high school friends have began to suspect that I haven't told them the full story of my life" This quote shows that Ishmael seems to be living a normal life as a high schooler. Whether or not Esther is the reason he broke away from his past is debatable. But I do think she will pay a role in getting Ishmael on the road to recovery

    3. I think Esther is a very knowledgeable and calming person that Ishmael can rely on. She helps him understand that it wasn't his fault that he fought in this war.

  19. "When I unwrapped it I jumped up and Hugged her." this is the scene where Esther gives Ishmael the cassette tape. this scene is super important because It shows a glimpse of Ishmaels childhood a glimpse of his innocence. But he immediately comes stern and stagnant. Why does ishmael still feel deserved of power? What is it that is gradually turning him back into an innocent soldier?

  20. What do you think Ishmael would be like if Esther wasn't in his life? I think that he would be the same violent Ismael that he has become, but now that he has Esther he is the old Ishmael. He sees her as a sister and will do anything that he can to protect her.

    1. I agree with you Tori. I think that without Esther Ishmael would still be lost. Having Esther in his life, he has someone who he can trust and have as a family member. Now that Ishmael has Esther he isn't alone.

    2. I agree, I think that with out her guidance he would shut himself off to all help and hope. I think that she will be the person that shows him the there is an alternative to killing people and what he did was not wrong at the time. I think that she will also be able to release his true emotions.

  21. On page 155, " During the three-day journey, we stopped once a day to eat, drink, and take drugs." I find this interesting because the food and water are a necessity for survival. Do you think they see drugs as a way to survive?

    1. I think they are using the drugs as a way to forget, or just escape for the moment, all the tragic events they encounter

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    3. I do think that the boys "think" it's a necessity for them to take drugs to survive because they are so used to it, and it's now part of their daily routine, just like eating, drinking and sleeping.

    4. I think that because of how many drugs they took, you can see what an outbreak there is with the civilians when they are off their drugs, they can't fully function anymore unless they are high or on drugs, so yes I do think that they see drugs as a necessity to survival

    5. I think the drugs just became a part of their daily routine and they just took them like they would eat or drink. Also I think the drugs help to numb the pain and help them forget about the tragadies they experience on a regular basis

    6. I think they have reached a point where drugs are on the most important things to them. It allows them to escape reality and not feel the pain and fear they are feeling. Plus since they are addicted to the drugs, its the only thing they crave.

    7. yes because its clearly how they cope with their future past and present

  22. Ishmael actually wants to see the moon out now, because before he would shoot into the air to try and get it away, but now I think that he is turning back into the old Ishmael back

  23. On page 163, Ishmael says, "Memorizing lyrics left me little time to think about what happened in the war" Do you music is a form of rehab for Ishmael?

    1. yes because He's forgetting the war or at least cooping with it in a much easyer way since he loves music

    2. I think the music does serve as a form of rehab for him. I think keeping his mind occupied (on something he enjoys) prevents him from thinking about the war and all of the negative things that haunt him.

    3. Yes, I think that it helps him focus on things other than the war.

  24. On pg. 173 Ishmael finds out that he has a family member in the city. How does he feel about this? I think he feels excited because he probably thought that all of his family was dead, but maybe confused because of that.

  25. On page 167, Ishmael says, "'Okay, you can be my sister --- temporarily.' I emphasized the last word." Do you think that Ishmael has a lot of trust issues because of the war and all the running that he had to do? If so, to what extent do you think he has been able to get over them today?

    1. Yes he does, and I think it was a long road and he is now very blessed to have people who he can trust and they support him.

  26. On page 166, ishmael seems to be troubled for the first time ever since he joined the army, do you think part of the reason he didnt want to recover or leave the army is because he enjoys not having to think about his past or future?

  27. Referring back to Justice's question, if I were in Ishmael's place adapting to a new environment and new people. It would be very hard for me because it would make me think back to my old (real) family that I was used to having. And I would also be kind of independent from going through not trusting anyone during the war. But at the same time it's a better and safe environment to be in and I would feel more protected.

  28. Do you think that Ishmael living in New York lets him get away from his past? Or do you think that it makes him think more about his home in Sierra Leone? Do you think that he would ever have a desire to go back to his home?

  29. pg 172: Ishmael says, "I was crying because I couldn't believe that he was actually in my family because it seems too good to be true. Why was he crying? I think he was crying because its like a second chance for him and he doesn't have to be violent anymore and he can actually live a normal life as a teenager.
